A significant anniversary
It's one year to the day since my last post here. If you want to know what kept me away - well, I can't quite recall right now. If I could, I wouldn't bore you with it anyway. This is a punditblog, not a journalblog. I mention my private life when I can draw some wider point from it. Can I make any general point about an absence from blogging of a year? Let's think. Here's William James on the importance of keeping up habit:
Never suffer an exception to occur till the new habit is securely rooted in your life. Each lapse is like the letting fall of a ball of string which one is carefully winding up; a single slip undoes more than a great many turns will wind again.
Perhaps I was daunted by the size of the blogosphere. My blogwatcher is Bloglines, which does the job very adequately for me. Here are just a few of the 64 feeds that I don't get around to reading at the moment. (I won't give links - just google for them.)
Agoraphilia: mostly the microeconomics of everyday life
EnviroSpin Watch: Philip Stott keeping globally cool
ifeminists.net: news for women who don't mind being individuals
Language Log: language up close, with Google usally being the microscope
Oh, That Liberal Media: "highlighting liberal bias, agendas, distortions and erroneous reporting..." - in an even-handed way, of course
Adam Smith Institute Blog: giving a big hand to that invisible hand
Natalie Solent: I read her for the sewing
SteynOnline: almost another P J O'Rourke
And science news from The Economist, Scientific American, The Guardian, New
Scientist and so on. And those are just the subscriptions I care to make public.